The Picl app is a chat app that uses the Stellar crypto-currency (Lumens) to allows users to post their problems, or 'picls', to get assistance from other people looking to help those in need. These picls can be posted either publicly, for anyone to assist with, or directly to a specific person.
Once a picl has been posted (assuming that a person has enough Lumens to do so), a temporary chat room will be created, in which the issue can be resolved. Once concluded, the assistant will receive the Lumen payout.
Anybody can either create their own picls or help others with their pickles, all from one profile.
In this way, the Picl economy is one based on helping others. The more people you help, the more Lumens you will earn, the more help you will be able to receive.
Lumens can also be transferred directly to other people via the wallet on your profile.